AustinWorkNet delivers creative solutions for companies looking to improve the performance of their organization and leaders. Practice areas encompass executive coaching, leadership development, and performance management.
Through a network of strategic affiliates, AustinWorkNet brings a depth and breadth of expertise to every strategic human capital issue.

We envision a vibrant workplace. One in which leaders model the company's shared values. Where collaboration and communication flow easily, where trust and goodwill are given readily. Where mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth. Where conscious, actively curated cultures can ignite people to thrive from the inside.
Grow YOUR Vision
Welcome to AustinWorkNet!...an HR Services company focused on Executive Coaching, Leadership Development and Performance Management. This company is founded on my more than 30 years experience in the industry and the values which have forged my career: the values of partnership, humility, and integrity.
When I work with an organization, I begin and end with leadership. What gets modeled gets done. Employees are savvy. They gauge the company's health in part by how leaders carry themselves. Great leadership frees people to thrive. Humble traits in leaders mean they are intent on helping others be successful. From there, a company can define its values - the key behaviors that matter for every employee at every level. Leadership can then live and breathe those values - along with the mission and vision - to ensure a company's long-term success.